The cards of the major arcana denote major events and big themes in the course of one’s life. We’ve created our 14kt gold tarot charm collection as a reminder of your strength, power, and the energy you are calling in.
Wear Your Magic!
If you’re resonating with The Hermit’s energy, chances are you’re looking to have a moment of deep reflection and quietness. The Hermit is all about getting quiet, and private, to look within for subjective truths. We are behind the scenes cheering you on to find those hard to surface gems of self knowing.

Celebrity Archetype:
SIA-Queen of Quiet
3 Main Characteristics of the Archetype:
Quiet, Reflection, Going Within
(think stay in your lane energy)
Want more Hermit energy in your life?
Click the photo below to listen to our Hermit Playlist on Spotify.