June Mood//PRIDE!

This month we are celebrating your unique gifts, your creativity, your virtuosity, your wizardry, your power to attract and transform.
June’s Tarot Pull:
This tarot spread was intimidating for me to pull, even after a decade of reading, as a Queer witch I realize the importance of June, Pride and community. So, of course, The Lovers popped out of the deck. The Lovers start us off to encourage you to lead with your heart, represent yourself and your feelings honestly, and consider your happiness. Are you fulfilled? What are your true feelings right now? What do you need to follow your heart, regardless of fear? Dig deep for the answers and don’t be afraid of what others may think about you and your love. Next, the Two of Wands, a card of progress, sparks action to focus on your path and continue to see the big picture. The Lovers + Two of Wands nudges you to decide where your heart is leading you, take the small steps to follow your heart and use the energy to support your desire. Great things come from little choices. Lastly, the Magician fell from the deck. The Magician marks the beginning of something beautiful and all you need is within you. It is time to manifest your goals, all the elements are within your reach. The Magician pushes you to recognize your passion, self-empowerment and pride. Uplift your confidence, now is the time to harness your magic and use it! Take this month to lead with your heart, check in with yourself, ask the hard questions and follow what the heart wants. Take action steps, even very small ones, daily to pursue your true path and manifest your goals/dreams. Have pride in your unique magic and confidence to live from your heart.
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Tarot Archetype: The Magician
The Magician has a mastery of self and the tools at their disposal
to create whatever they desire in this world.

June Gemstone Correspondence: Ruby Trillion
Energy: Passion, Creativity, Power
Astrological Correspondence: Mars
Birthstone: July
Tarot Correspondence: The Magician
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